
Comuna agricolă: un fiasco al politicii agrariene din RASSM (1925 – 1930)

The agricultural community: a failure of agrarian policy in MASSR (1925 – 1930)

CZU: 94(478):63RSSM”1925-1930”

Pag. 174-184

Molcosean Alexandru

Şcoala Doctorală Ştiinţe Umanistice, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova


In the content of the article are exposed multiple pressing issues that have persisted within the MSSAR agricultural work collectives. The chronological period of the study is between 1925 and 1930. In this segment of the time, are preset numerous attemps by the soviet authorities and comrades for the cultivation of common land. The documentary basis of the research is represented by archival documents and materials published in the time press. The reports drawn up following the inspection of the labor collectives proves by their content, the practical inefficiency of the collectivization of the agricultural sector.

MSSAR, labor collective, defective management, agrarian utopias, social experiment, leninist failure

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